143 Meaning 224 Meaning. 224 means today tomorrow forever the number 224 is a cyber term used in text speak to express permanency in a romantic context. I have not heard of 224.
When you set for yourself what to do and when to do ensure you complete this. I promise to love you 224. For added emphasis 831 and other such numbers are often paired with other cyber terms such as 224 today tomorrow forever.
The numbers represent the number of letters for the words i love you.
Numbers such as these allow the sender to say i love you without suffering the embarrassment felt by some particularly men when saying or typing those words. For added emphasis 831 and other such numbers are often paired with other cyber terms such as 224 today tomorrow forever. When you keep seeing 224 just like when seeing the angel number 24 your guardian angels are sending you the message to have faith in your relationship. Like when some one says 143 their saying i love you 1 i 4 l o v e 3 y o u like the numbers stand for the letters in the word but idk wut 224 stands for.