2x2 Contingency Table Chi Square Test. Only choose chi square if someone requires you to. When the row and column margins in 2 x 2 contingency table are fixed either by design or for the analysis independence of attributes can be tested using fisher s exact test.
We might compare males and females on a yes no response scale for instance. For a table of frequency data cross classified according to two categorical variables x and y each of which has two levels or subcategories this page will calculate the phi coefficient of association. The yates continuity correction is designed to make the chi square approximation better.
The 2 x 2 contingency chi square is used for the comparison of two groups with a dichotomous dependent variable.
There are three ways to compute a p value from a contingency table. For those who need a refresher on the theory you can checkout this pdf from the. We might compare males and females on a yes no response scale for instance. The yates continuity correction is designed to make the chi square approximation better.