Contoh Data Chi Square. You can calculate the chi square for linearity using spss. Contoh penggunaan uji chi square satu sampel.
Sebaran data dikatakan baik jika data tersebut berdistribusi normal. May 18 2017 rayhora matonang 21090114120030. If you request the chi square statistic from the statistics dialog box your output will include the pearson chi square the likelihood ratio chi sq and linear by linear association.
Contoh soal dan jawaban uji chi square.
Pemerintah kota padang panjang akan melakukan pembagian bantuan gerobak untuk umkm kepada 4 kelurahan kelurahan guguk malintang balai balai kebun sikolos dan sigando. If you request the chi square statistic from the statistics dialog box your output will include the pearson chi square the likelihood ratio chi sq and linear by linear association. Contoh tabel kontingensi chi square. Wahyu diana 140551807568 universitas negeri malang program pascasarjana program studi pendidikan kejuruan oktober 2014 bab i pendahuluan a.