Correlation Analysis Sas. Pearson correlation coefficients these numbers measure the strength and direction of the linear relationship between the two variables. Sas provides the procedure proc corr to find the correlation coefficients between a pair of variables in a dataset.
The correlation coefficient is a measure of linear association between two variables values of the correlation coefficient are always between 1 and 1. When there are missing values in the analysis variables the pearson correlation coefficients table in output 2 2 4 displays the correlation the value under the null hypothesis of zero correlation and the number of observations for each pair of variables. The following statements create the sas data set fit and produce output 26 1 1 through output 26 1 5.
Correlation analysis deals with relationships among variables.
Example 26 1 canonical correlation analysis of fitness club data. In sas pearson correlation is included in proc corr. The relationship is described by calculating correlation coefficients for the variables. The corr statement enables you to specify options that are related to correlation analysis.