Getfilter Custom Adapter. This will be an arrayadapter poidao implementing also the filterable interface. Customarrayadapter nonnull context context arraylist user users super context 0 users.
Custom adapter with images and text with onclick events duration. So we need first modify our custom adapter planetadapter so that it implements the android widget filter interface. Arrayadapter poidao context layoutresource allpois filterable private var mpois.
I believe you can also create a member variable on your adapter for your filter so you re not creating a new instance.
Int return mpois size override fun getitem p0. As far as i can tell you ve already implemented the textwatcher for your inputtext edittext set up properly so adding the getfilter method and making a few other minor changes to your adapter should lead you to a solution. Setting the adapter adapter new arrayadapter getbasecontext android r layout simple list item 1 android r id text1 values. List poidao allpois override fun getcount.