Gnu Radio Companion. All installations now include the gnuradio companion grc. Simple sdr to control the realtek rtl2832u sdr.
Os x installation is possible through macports. In addition these installations also include drivers and firmware for the ettus usrp line of radios audio drivers and other software defined radios such as the bladerf and rtl2832. This is the front end to the gnu radio libraries for signal processing.
Gnu radio is a free open source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios.
It can be used with readily available low cost external rf hardware to create software defined radios or without hardware in a simulation like environment. Gnu radio companion will be in the windows start menu and can be started by running gnuradio companion on unix like operating systems. Current gnu radio windows version. This is the first in a series of tutorials that will introduce you to the use of grc.