Grafik Break Even Point Analysis. But if the value falls below the bep you re suffering a loss. Graphic presentation an effective way to derive the break even point is to prepare a break even graph.
So if the value goes beyond the bep it means you re making a profit. Bep merupakan singkatan dari break even point. Break even analysis seeks to investigate the in terrelationships among a firm s sales revenue or to tal turnover cost and profits as they relate to al ternate levels of output.
This video shows how to do a break even analysis using a graph.
Graphic presentation an effective way to derive the break even point is to prepare a break even graph. Graphic presentation an effective way to derive the break even point is to prepare a break even graph. Analisis break even point bep adalah suatu dari beberapa alat yang sangat berguna bagi manajer dalam melaksanakan aktivitas operasionalnya. Alat ini membantu mereka memahami hubungan timbal balik antara biaya volume dan laba dalam organisasi dengan memfokuskan interaksi antar lima elemen yaitu harga pokok volume tingkat aktivitas biaya variabel per unit total biaya tetap dan bauran.