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Janu Sirsasana Drawing

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Janu Sirsasana Drawing. Inhale and turn towards the extended leg. It is also known by the many other names such as.


Head to knee forward bend janu sirsasana downward facing dog pose adho mukha shvanasana tree pose vrikshasana extended side angle pose utthita parsvakonasana parivrtta janu sirsasana steps. Sit with your legs outstretched in front of you. Here while the left leg is folded at the knee bring the right leg stretched out towards the right side of the hip widening the gap between the inner thighs.

Janu sirsasana is an asymmetric forward bending pose that involves stretching and twisting together.

Hold this janu sirsasana for 6 or more deep rounds of breath. Before taking your torso forward at all into janu sirsasana draw your torso up into tadasana torso raising your sternum toward the ceiling and taking your shoulders back to open your chest. Bend your right knee and use your right hand to draw your right foot in toward your right groin. Extend your right knee out to the side and stretch outward through the right thigh and knee.
