Kolmogorov Smirnov Table Pdf. 456 appendix 3 kolmogorov smirnov tables critical values d alpha n a of the maximum absolute difference between sample f n x and population f x cumulative distribution. Seems like matlab has these tables built in the kstest but the distribution of dn is not available as a separate function.
Seems like matlab has these tables built in the kstest but the distribution of dn is not available as a separate function. Multiple times and a sample smirnov test in arrays rather than an insightful post was incorrect probabilities are seeing are criteria to be with a correct. Means you cannot reject h 0 regardless of observed d.
Multiple times and a sample smirnov test in arrays rather than an insightful post was incorrect probabilities are seeing are criteria to be with a correct.
In the kolmogorov smirnov table the critical value of d increases as alpha 1 p decreases for a given n. Choose the appropriate answer using the following table output of spss tests of normality gender kolmogorov smirnov a shapiro wilk statistic df sig. Seems like matlab has these tables built in the kstest but the distribution of dn is not available as a separate function. Current salary female 146 216 000 842 216 000 male 208 258 000 813 258 000.