Outreg2 Stata. Outreg2 this command will create a clean table of your regression results in a word document that you can then use in your memos exams and homework assignments. This command is particularly useful when we wish to report our results in an academic paper and want the same layout we typically see in other published works.
The commands are in brackets and green. Reporting publication style regression output in stata stata has a nifty command called outreg2 that allows us to output our regression results to other file formats. By default stata sets the confidence intervals at 95 for every regression.
By default stata reports significance levels of 10 5 and 1.
Second the programming codes have been updated from stata 6 to stata 8 2 taking advantage of expanded system limits. This command is particularly useful when we wish to report our results in an academic paper and want the same layout we typically see in other published works. Reporting results for panel regression using outreg2 leave a comment stata by thedatahall in our two part article part1 part2 on the outreg2 command we learnt how regression results from stata can be output to other file formats like word excel and latex. It is important to notice that outreg2 is not a stata command it is a user written procedure and you need to install it by typing only the first time ssc install outreg2 follow this example letters in italics you type use http dss princeton edu training panel101 dta clear reg y x1 robust outreg2 using myreg doc replacectitle model 1.