Stata Pls. Saving as stata datafile. Partial least squares pls is a method for construct ing predictive models when the factors are many and highly collinear.
The composites are calculated as weighted combinations of existing variables using the weight algorithm introduced by wold see wold 1982. Stata module to implement partial least squares structural equation modelling pls sem. A stata package for structural equation modeling with partial least squares we provide a package called plssem that fits partial least squares structural equation models which is often considered an alternative to the commonly known covariance based structural equation modeling.
Structural equation modeling with pls in stata detectionoflatentclassesbyusingtherebus plsapproachforuncoveringunobserved heterogeneity in pls sem models trinchera2007 esposito vinzi trinchera squil lacciotti and tenenhaus2008.
Change the working directory. Saving as stata datafile. Saving data as stata file. Stata module to implement partial least squares structural equation modelling pls sem.