Summary Statistics Stata Dummy Variables. Without the by option tabstat is a useful alternative to summarize because it allows you to specify the list of statistics to be displayed. Here we will use the auto data file.
As you can see it tells us the number of observations in the file the number of variables the names of the variables and more. Without the by option tabstat is a useful alternative to summarize because it allows you to specify the list of statistics to be displayed. Dummy variables are also called indicator variables.
The describe command shows you basic information about a stata data file.
A dummy variable is a variable that takes on the values 1 and 0. Stata command summarize wage exper coll games guard exercise 2 estimate a linear regression model below is the model being estimated. This page shows an example of getting descriptive statistics using the summarize command with footnotes explaining the output. If no varlist is specified summary statistics are calculated for all the variables in the.