Wald Chi Square Test. A wald chi square test based on the difference between observed and expected weighted cell frequencies and a wald log linear chi square test based on the log odds ratios. In statistics the wald test assesses constraints on statistical parameters based on the weighted distance between the unrestricted estimate and its hypothesized value under the null hypothesis where the weight is the precision of the estimate.
Proc surveyfreq provides two wald chi square tests for independence of the row and column variables in a two way table. These statistics test for independence of the row and column variables in two way tables taking into account the complex survey design. Chi square statistics beta 0 std error 2 here beta is the coefficient which we are testing against the null hypothesis that it is 0.
Chi square statistics beta 0 std error 2 here beta is the coefficient which we are testing against the null hypothesis that it is 0.
Significant means that they add something to the model. In logistic regression wald chi square is used to assess whether a variable is statistically significant or not. A wald chi square test based on the difference between observed and expected weighted cell frequencies and a wald log linear chi square test based on the log odds ratios. The wald chi squared test or simply wald test is a versatile way to find out if explanatory variables in a model are significant.