X Sms Meaning. X was often used for its double meaning as the crucifix and also the first letter of christ written in greek χριστός. Originally these icons consisted of ascii art and later shift jis art and unicode art.
Sometimes it can mean the end of that conversation or basically i will talk to you later or over and out pretty much when the conversation cannot carry on and should be parked for later. For example jews would put a circle. Originally these icons consisted of ascii art and later shift jis art and unicode art.
In slang sms means short message service text.
In a world where uppercase letters read like shouting and where emojis are ambiguous every element of a text message is easily misunderstood. I know x means a kiss. In recent times. Similar to xs and os kisses and hugs in north america however x can be and is often used by people of varying familiarity platonic friendships siblings crushes dating married etc usually more xs means more familiarity.