Log4net Filter. It is fully configurable at runtime using external configuration files. It s based on log4j which is for java applications.
If the loggername of the loggingevent starts with the value of the loggertomatch option then the decide loggingevent method returns accept in case the acceptonmatch option value is set to true if it is false then deny is returned. Use filters to suppress certain logging statements. It s based on log4j which is for java applications.
One under documented at least in my opinion feature of it is the use of filters to be more specific about what you want your appenders to filter out.
The invocation of the basicconfigurator configure method creates a rather simple log4net setup. Log4net is an open source project based on the work of many authors. It allows the developer to control which log statements are output with arbitrary granularity. Here s how you can filter by the text on the log messages.